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History and Development


In the spring time of 1997 PROMAX Project Management was founded by Wolfgang Maier as a one-man-office. Already by founding and naming the first step was done for establishing Project Management as a unique and overall skill and culture concerning the realisation of industrial investment projects in these areas.
With Andreas Rogl and Michael Fasching another professional group involved in industrial plant projects joined the team and relaunched PROMAX Project Management as a capital society in 1999. The company is based on active support and employment of the founding members and the shares are divided in partnership. Wolfgang Maier is responsible for the general management.

Today, due to focused and controlled growth the PROMAX team consists of 20 employees. This part of our development still has not reached its end and will be continued in the years to come.

The way we have gone so far fills us with pride too, which primarily manifests itself by an extraordinary team motivation and a never ending outstanding engagement for the projects.




Your benefits:


·      Professional, continuous guidance of projects

·      Transparent project organization and management

·      A multitude of available reports, including cost sheetsand overviews, time schedules, time-lines and quality

·      Customer-focused documentation

·      Systematic claim management




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